Ch.3 Gauss's Law

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Gauss's Law



  1. field points away from positive charges, towards negative charges
  2. electric field exerts a force on a charged particle

Suppose we have an charged cylinder with:

Importantly: symmetry of the field must match the symmetry of the charge distribution
This means the field of a cylindrically symmetric infinite rod must radiate out

Three Fundamental Symmetries


Gaussian surface: a closed surface through which an electric field passes through

electric flux: amount of electric field passing through a surface

Flux depends on the field E\vec{E} and the normal vector of the surface A=An\vec{A}=A\vec{n} (n\vec{n} is the principal normal vector). The angle between them is θ\theta
In a nonuniform field, the sum of fluxes through smaller surfaces equals the total flux.
Φe=SEdA\Phi_e=\int_S\vec{E}\cdot d\vec{A}
...and we're only doing things that evaluate to EAEA or 00

In a closed surface, the notation becomes
SEdA\oint_S\vec{E}\cdot d\vec{A}
Note: dAd\vec{A} points outside by convention
The differential form is
E=ρϵ0\nabla\cdot\vec{E}=\frac{\rho}{\epsilon_0} where ρ\rho is the volume charge density at a point.


From the Gauss-Divergence theorem,
SEdA=EdV\oint_S \vec{E}\cdot d\vec{A}=\int\nabla\cdot\vec{E}dV
SEdA=EdV=ρdVϵ0Eρϵ0dV=0\oint_S\vec{E}\cdot d\vec{A}=\int\nabla\cdot\vec{E}dV=\frac{\int\rho dV}{\epsilon_0}\implies \int\nabla\cdot\vec{E}-\frac{\rho}{\epsilon_0}dV=0 The integral is arbitrary, so

Gauss's Law

Consider a point charge with a spherical surface around it. The field E=q/4πϵ0r2E=q/4\pi\epsilon_0r^2 is perpendicular at every point, thus the flux is
Φe=EdA=EAsphere=q4πϵ0r2(4πr2)=qϵ0\Phi_e=\oint\vec{E}\cdot d\vec{A}=EA_\text{sphere}=\frac{q}{4\pi\epsilon_0r^2}(4\pi r^2)=\frac{q}{\epsilon_0}
The flux is dependent only on charge; not shape or radius. If the surface is not spherical, spherical approximations can be made to make tangent and perpendicular surfaces, so the flux through any closed surface around a point with charge qq is q/ϵ0q/\epsilon_0

If the charge is outside the surface, any inward flux is perfectly canceled by outward flux, so the net flux is 00.

If there are multiple charges, the principle of superposition applies
where each Φi\Phi_i is the flux due to charge ii
If we let QinQ_\text{in} be the total charge inside, then
This is Gauss's Law

Electrostatic Equilibrium

Consider a conductor in electrostatic equilibrium. The field inside Ein\vec{E}_\text{in} must be 00 or the charge carriers would be moving and violate electrostatic equilibrium.
Choose a Gaussian surface barely inside the conductor. Since field is 00, flux is 00, thus there must be no net charge inside. Thus all excess charges reside on the surface.

For equilibrium to be met with these surface charges, the resulting field right at the surface must be perpendicular to the surface. By Gauss's Law, we have the net flux being AEsurfaceAE_\text{surface}, and total charge being ηA\eta A\impliesEsurface=ηϵ0\vec{E}_\text{surface}=\frac{\eta}{\epsilon_0} perpendicular to the surface
η\eta ussually depends on the shape of the conductor

Similarly, because the interior flux is zero, any interior surfaces or holes have no net field, and no net charge. We can use this to create regions of no electric field in a parallel-plate capacitor by simply adding a neutral box surrounding the region we want to exclude, called screening.
Solid metal walls is ideal, but wire screen/mesh is sufficient, a Faraday cage- though the result is a complex exterior field.

An interior charge attracts the opposite charge to the inner surface to maintain the neutral field. Conservation of charge then requires the opposite of the attracted charge (equal to the interior charge) added, which goes to the exterior surface.